No small causes or random donations.

True community impact is about building a consistent commitment to the causes you love. Like our clients, our charities and non-profits need to see results over promise. A series of donations is more critical than a one-off. We donate on top-line revenue every year, regardless of profit. This is the type of donation that charities and non-profits can bank on for planning their own future.

Doing the right thing shouldn't need to be written down.

Make it happen for those in need

We initially decided to get involved with local causes and community giving based on gut feeling. Before we ever formally coined a set of guiding values, we just tried to do the right thing for clients and the community. We did not know it then, but our common beliefs helped us make those essential early decisions that continue to define us today.

Our team's sincere passion for giving back to very specific causes is strengthened by our financial commitment to donate a percentage of revenue, not conditional profit. MAKE has and continues to have an impact on more than a few lives and we aim to do much more.


Mental Health

According to the Canadian Mental Health Association 1 in 5 Canadians, and 1 in 2 adults over the age of 40 will deal with a mental health illness. These stats are likely under-reported and we are committed to talk openly to bring discussion to the forefront of households, businesses and communities.


Sports can reduce the risk of depression by 30%. More specifically, athletic activity releases Dopamine and Serotonin that reduces anxiety, helps manage ADHD and can enhance self-worth. In a world of reduced social interaction, it can also help build social prowess, communication, and teamwork. These skills last far beyond summer vacation.


We believe every child deserves to reach their potential through a better future. We invest in that next generation, in many ways. Our story goes back decades, but a focus on improving the lives of children and youth has been a constant.


Education is about gaining the knowledge and skills to better ourselves and the world we live in. As Ben Franklin said, “an investment in knowledge pays the best interest”.

What matters to us

How can you or your charity get involved?

Community Engagement