Private vs. Public Market Investing

Date postedOct 10, 2023

Investing in financial markets provides individuals and institutions with opportunities to grow wealth, but the ways investments are made can vary significantly. Broadly, we can categorize these primarily into the public and private markets. Each market has its distinct characteristics, advantages, and considerations. Understanding the fundamental differences between public and private market investing is crucial for investors seeking to construct diversified portfolios and achieve their financial objectives. 

Public markets refer to exchanges where a wide range of participants buy and sell securities, such as stocks and bonds. These markets are open to the public, allowing any investor, large or small, to buy or sell shares of publicly traded companies. In contrast to public markets, private markets involve securities transactions not conducted on public exchanges. Investments in private markets encompass a broad spectrum, including private equity, venture capital, real estate, and more. Access to these markets is often restricted to accredited investors or institutions, and the securities traded are not publicly disclosed. 


 Advantages of adding private market exposure to your portfolio: 

- Diversification: Private markets provide an opportunity to diversify an investment portfolio beyond the typical asset classes available in public markets, such as stocks and bonds. Investments in private equity, venture capital, private debt/credit, real estate, infrastructure, agriculture, and other private assets can provide exposure to different risk factors and market cycles, reducing overall portfolio risk. 

- Lower Public Market Correlation: Private market investments often have a lower correlation with public markets, meaning their performance may not be closely tied to traditional stock and bond market movements. This can be beneficial in achieving portfolio diversification and reducing overall risk. 

- Less Market Volatility: Private market investments are not subject to the same daily price fluctuations as publicly traded securities. Since they are illiquid and not subject to constant market speculation and reactionary behaviors from market participants, private investments may shield investors from short-term market volatility. 

- Long-Term Investment Horizon “Illiquidity Premium”: Private market investments often require a more extended investment period than public market investments. This longer time frame can allow companies or projects to execute their growth strategies and realize their potential value, possibly leading to better long-term performance. 

- Access to Unique Opportunities: Private markets can provide access to unique investment opportunities that are not available in public markets. For instance, venture capital investments allow investors to fund early-stage startups with high growth potential that have not yet gone public. 


In summary, adding private markets to your investment portfolio can contribute to diversification, potentially higher returns, and exposure to unique opportunities. However, navigating the intricacies of private market investing requires expertise. Seeking guidance from a licensed professional can ensure that your overall investment strategy aligns with your goals, risk tolerance, and the broader market landscape.